List of US Immigration Laws

US Immigration


List of US Immigration Laws
This article provides a comprehensive list of US Immigration Laws with a brief summary and definition of each of the laws. For ease of reference we have categorized each section into a list of Early US Immigration Laws, a list of US Immigration Laws in the 1800's, a list of US Immigration Laws in the 1900's and a list of recent and current US Immigration Laws.

List of US Immigration Laws: List of Early US Immigration Laws
The following list of Early US Immigration Laws dating back to the 1700's with a brief definition and summary of each of the laws.

List of Early US Immigration Laws: Alien and Sedition Acts

1789: Under the U.S. Constitution, the U.S. Congress has complete authority over immigration

1790, 1795 and 1798 Naturalization Acts establishing a uniform rule of naturalization

1798 Alien Friends Act allowed the president to imprison or deport aliens

1798 Alien Enemies Act authorized the president to expel citizen of a hostile nation, during times of war

1802 Naturalization Law required the entry of all aliens to be recorded and reinstated the 5 year citizenship requirement

List of US Immigration Laws: List of US Immigration Laws in the 1800's
The following list of US Immigration Laws in the 1800's with a brief definition and summary of each of the laws. with a brief definition and summary of each of the laws. For additional facts and information refer to
US Immigration Laws 1800's.

List of US Immigration Laws in the 1800's

The 1819 Steerage Act established a procedure for detailing lists of passengers

The 1875 Page Act (Asian Exclusion Act) prohibiting the entry of immigrants considered "undesirable"

The 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act restricting immigration from China for 10 years

The 1882 Immigration Act restricted European immigration and imposed a head tax of 50 cents on all immigrants

The 1885 Alien Contract Labor Law (Foran Act) banned anyone bringing unskilled foreigners into the United State

The 1891 Immigration Act for the regulation of immigration and the inspection and deportation of immigrants

The 1892 Geary Act extended the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act restrict immigration from China for another 10 years

List of US Immigration Laws: List of US Immigration Laws in the 1900's
The following list of US Immigration Laws in the 1900's with a brief definition and summary of each of the laws. For additional facts and info refer to
US Immigration Laws 1900's.

List of US Immigration Laws in the 1900's

The 1903 Immigration Law (Anarchist Exclusion Act) banning entry of anarchists and political extremists.

The 1906 Naturalization Act standardized naturalization process and required some English language for US citizenship.

The 1907 Immigration Act, A series of reforms to restrict the number of immigrants.

The 1917 Immigration Act (Barred Zone Act) barred laborers from Eastern Asia, except for Japan and the Philippines.

The 1918 Immigration Act (Dillingham-Hardwick Act) increased powers to detain and remove foreign-born anarchists.

The 1921 Emergency Quota Act used  a percentage system to restrict the number of immigrants from a given country.

The 1922 Married Woman's Law (Cable Act)  marriage to an  ineligible alien would result in loss of citizenship

The 1924 Immigration Act (Johnson-Reed Act) plugged loopholes in the Emergency quota act

The 1934 Tydings-McDuffie Act - the status of Filipinos changed from American citizens to aliens.

The 1940 Alien Registration Act required the fingerprinting of all aliens in the United States

The 1943 Magnusan Act repealed the Chinese Exclusion Law.

The 1945 War Brides and Fiancées Acts allowed servicemen to bring home their foreign wives

The 1948 Displaced Persons Act allowed people uprooted by WW2 to emigrate to THE United States.

The 1952 Immigration and Nationality Act (McCarran-Walter Law) reorganized the structure of immigration laws

The 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act (Hart-Celler Law)  abolished nation-of-origin restrictions

The 1975 Indochina Migration and Refugee Assistance Act allowed Vietnamese into the US as displaced citizens.

The 1976 and 1978 Immigration and Nationality Act Amendments establish a rational and fair immigration policy

The 1980 Refugee Act established  the modern asylum system for those in fear of persecution

The 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) granted Legal Status to some illegal migrants in US before 1982.

The 1987 Amerasian Homecoming Act allowed children of servicemen and Vietnamese women to immigrate to the US

The 1990 Immigration Act increased the limits on legal immigration and revised grounds for exclusion and deportation

The 1996 Anti-terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act (AEDPA) tightened immigration to protect against terrorism

List of Recent and Current US Immigration Laws
The following list of recent and current US Immigration Laws with a brief definition and summary of each of the laws. For additional facts and info refer to Recent US Immigration Laws.

List of Recent and Current US Immigration Laws

The 2000 Bring Them Home Alive Act assisting in the return to the United States POW/MIAs

The 2001 USA Patriot Act for "Uniting and Strengthening America ... to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism"

The 2002 Enhanced Border Security and Visa Entry Reform Act

The 2005 REAL ID Act relating to driver's licenses and ID cards

The 2006 Secure Fence Act authorized fencing along the US-Mexican Border

The 2013 Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act - granting temporary visas

DISCLAIMER: This website and any information contained herein are intended for educational and informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice. Seek competent legal counsel from an Immigration lawyer for advice on any legal matter.


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